Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is your professional career doomed if you have adult ADHD?

There are more over achiever with ADD & ADHD then you think. Many highly successful people have had or have ADD or ADHD. The key to being successful with this condition is learning to focus your energy and efforts toward a specific task or goal. I sure you would agree that when you are involved in something that interrests you focusing is far less of a challenge then when you involved with something that you'd rather not be doing. This response is the same for almost every person it is just magnified for those people with ADD or ADHD. I would suggest that you find what it is that you truly want to do in life (something that will hold your interrest and focus), your pion and dealing with your ADHD sould be less of a challenge. I believe that when we persue our pions we allow ourselves to become emotionally connected to what it is that we do. This emotional connection changes the way we think and act often making it easier to focus. If however you are doing what you love and are still struggling there are other ways to deal with ADD & ADHD. Although I am not a huge supporter of medicating ourselves, I do believe that in some cases medication may be a nessisary to help people take control of their lives. As far as role models go I would suggest that you find several and they don't have to have ADHD. Find people who share the same values and morals that you do and model the behavior and success that you want in your life. Just remember that often what works for one person will not always work for another.

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