Thursday, August 18, 2011

Has someone saying "I love you" lost its impact in your life?

For sure - those three words - have been used and abused. To say - that we can not trust the utterance of these words - to hold truth - is to dismiss the fault of the one who utters them. The person makes the words false. There is no fight with - actions speak louder than words - and I suppose - actions can sometimes be false too. Yet - how often have you heard someone say - "I never got a chance to tell them - I loved them" - or - "They never said they loved me". If BOTH parties understand that the "words" are expressed in actions only - there may be comfort taken. But if only ONE party is unsure - and needs the words - then they are truly important to the relationship. Whether they turn out to be false is another subject entirely. Basically, it comes down "to each his own". ♥

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